Do all the upstreams run on the same machine ?
On 16/06/2009, at 8:26 PM, Avleen Vig wrote:
> 2009/6/16 Igor Sysoev <>:
>> What do you mean by upstream ports ? This
>> upstream backend {
>> server backend:9000;
>> server backend:9001;
>> server backend:9002;
>> server backend:9003;
>> ...
>> }
>> ?
>> In this case you run 50 backend processes and they compete for CPU.
> Hmm
> I have a total of 40 unique upstream server:port listed, in about 12
> different upstream{} blocks.
> Does this mean I should run 40 nginx child processes to get the most
> efficiency?
> Or something which divides equally into 40 (10, 20)?