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smime.p7s 5.2 KB open | download Michael Salmon 05/09/2017 Read message
May 09, 2017 04:58PM
Francis Daly Wrote:
> nginx gets a request for /static/styles.css.
> I'm not aware of a rewrite which will let you decide which of
> web-app-1
> and web-app-2 is the correct one to proxy_pass this request to this
> time. Both web apps use the same url.

There is a distinction between web apps, the request url, which you use as a map variable.

nginx for Windows
Subject Author Posted

Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

deoren May 08, 2017 07:18PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app? Attachments

Michael Salmon May 09, 2017 04:36AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

itpp2012 May 09, 2017 05:33AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

Francis Daly May 09, 2017 08:38AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

itpp2012 May 09, 2017 09:03AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

Francis Daly May 09, 2017 04:28PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

itpp2012 May 09, 2017 04:58PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

deoren May 10, 2017 11:32PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

pbooth May 11, 2017 12:18PM

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