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Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

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smime.p7s 5.2 KB open | download Michael Salmon 05/09/2017 Read message
May 08, 2017 07:18PM

Thanks for reading this.

My apologies if this has been answered before, but after much reading
(official docs, mailing list discussions, etc.) I'm still not completely
clear on whether this is supported. I know it's a hangup on my part, but
I've not managed to get past the stumbling point yet.

#1) Have a web app answer to https://subdomain.example.com/ with app
related urls like '/login', '/issues', and requests for static resources
with URL paths like '/static/styles.css'. The app runs on localhost at and is proxied by nginx with a direct mapping of
http://subdomain.example.com/ to and it works
well. As indicated, this setup does not use a sub-URI, but treats '/' as
its root URL path.

#2) I'd like to move the web application to
https://subdomain.example.com/sub-uri/ by setting up location block like
so (spacing condensed for display purposes):

location /flask-demo {
root /var/www/passenger-python-flask-demo;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;

The trailing slash was added in an attempt to map /flask-demo/SOMETHING
to /SOMETHING in the application's point of view.

That works well for a test web app where everything is contained in a
single file, but when the static assets are referenced by the HTML
output the user's browser attempts to pull static content from '/'
instead of '/flask-demo/'.

I've found that for this and other web applications (demo and
production) that I've tested thus you can configure the base URL in the
web application itself.

Does nginx support redirecting those requests for static resources
requests to the associated sub-URI without modifying the web
application? If it was only one web application I could setup location
blocks for specific patterns, but if I plan on running multiple web
applications on a single FQDN (perhaps even different instances of the
same web app), each in a separate sub-URI, those web applications might
all make requests to '/static/styles.css' based on their original

I'm hoping there is a way to isolate each web application based on the
initial location block match, thereby catching follow-up requests for
static resources related to the first request and prepend the sub-URI.
Thus a request for '/static/styles.css' becomes
'/flask-demo/static/styles.css' if I visit '/flask-demo' and if I visit
'/other-app' the static request becomes '/other-app/static/styles.css',
all without modifying the web application to know it is being run from a

I assume the answer is "no, this is not supported", but I wanted to ask
just to make sure I'm not overlooking something. Francis Daly's remarks
on the "URL-Rewriting not working" thread that I've quoted from below
seems to suggest it might be possible, but probably isn't worth the

> Note that if you want to reverse-proxy a back-end web
> service at a different part of the url hierarchy to
> where it believes it is installed, in general you need
> the web service to help.
> That is, if you want the back-end / to correspond to
> the front-end /x/, then if the back-end ever links to
> something like /a, you will need that to become
> translated to /x/a before it leaves the front-end. In
> general, the front-end cannot do that translation.
> So you may find it easier to configure the back-end to
> be (or to act as if it is) installed below /x/ directly.
> Otherwise things can go wrong.

I found the 'proxy_redirect' directive, but it doesn't appear to do what
I'm looking for. Instead, it appears to be designed specifically to do
things like prevent having the client access
instead of (as is shown in my example).

I've used nginx for years, but only in very basic configurations. This
is something new to me and I'm struggling to wrap my head around it.
Thank you for reading this and any advice you can offer.
nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

deoren May 08, 2017 07:18PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app? Attachments

Michael Salmon May 09, 2017 04:36AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

itpp2012 May 09, 2017 05:33AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

Francis Daly May 09, 2017 08:38AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

itpp2012 May 09, 2017 09:03AM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

Francis Daly May 09, 2017 04:28PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

itpp2012 May 09, 2017 04:58PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

deoren May 10, 2017 11:32PM

Re: Can you migrate a web app available via '/' to a proxied sub-URI without modifying the web app?

pbooth May 11, 2017 12:18PM

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