June 22, 2016 11:31AM
Here more of the debug log. I had to shorten it as I did get this message "Please shorten your messages, the body is too large".


2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 accept: <removed>:54691 fd:236
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer add: 236: 60000:1466358849721
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 epoll add event: fd:236 op:1 ev:80002001
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 post event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 delete posted event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http check ssl handshake
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http recv(): 1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 https ssl handshake: 0x16
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL server name: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL certificate status callback
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL ALPN supported by client: h2
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL ALPN supported by client: http/1.1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL ALPN selected: h2
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_do_handshake: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_get_error: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 post event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 delete posted event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL handshake handler: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_do_handshake: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL: TLSv1.2, cipher: "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD"
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 init http2 connection
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 000000001F3528D0:512 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 0000000032745F00:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 add cleanup: 0000000025319398
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 0000000030012A10:512 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 send SETTINGS frame ack:0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 send WINDOW_UPDATE frame sid:0, window:2147418112
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 read handler
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: 58
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_get_error: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 preface verified
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 process http2 frame type:4 f:0 l:12 sid:0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 send SETTINGS frame ack:1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame complete pos:0000000003E1943D end:0000000003E1944A
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 process http2 frame type:8 f:0 l:4 sid:0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 WINDOW_UPDATE frame sid:0 window:10420225
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame complete pos:0000000003E1944A end:0000000003E1944A
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame out: 00000000327460B8 sid:0 bl:0 len:0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame out: 0000000032746008 sid:0 bl:0 len:4
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame out: 0000000032745F50 sid:0 bl:0 len:18
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 malloc: 00000000359DE090:16384
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL buf copy: 27
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL buf copy: 13
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL buf copy: 9
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL to write: 49
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_write: 49
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 tcp_nodelay
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame sent: 0000000032745F50 sid:0 bl:0 len:18
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame sent: 0000000032746008 sid:0 bl:0 len:4
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame sent: 00000000327460B8 sid:0 bl:0 len:0
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 0000000032745F00, unused: 3495
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 00000000359DE090
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer del: 236: 1466358849721
2016/06/19 19:53:09 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer add: 236: 180000:1466358969975
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 post event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 delete posted event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 idle handler
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 0000000024124080:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 read handler
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_get_error: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 0000000024124080, unused: 4016
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer: 236, old: 1466358969975, new: 1466358970001
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 idle handler
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 0000000024489380:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 read handler
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: 1947
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_get_error: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 process http2 frame type:1 f:5 l:1938 sid:1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 HEADERS frame sid:1 on 0 excl:0 weight:16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 00000000254B06B0:1024 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 000000003D78A750:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 000000003D8EA8E0:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header name: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 4
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 610
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 malloc: 000000001B070A80:977
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: ":path: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 malloc: 000000001F2E7E20:512
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 malloc: 000000003D93F010:4096
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 826 free:4096
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http uri: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http args: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http exten: "php"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 10
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: ":authority: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 55 free:3270
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header name: 7
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 19
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 37
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: "accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 86 free:3215
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 http header: "accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 51
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 282
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: "referer: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 423 free:3129
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 http header: "referer: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 17
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 28
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: "accept-language: de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 82 free:2706
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 http header: "accept-language: de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 58
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 97
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 169 free:2624
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 0000000020C10000:512 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 http header: "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header name: 16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 http header: "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 get indexed header: 32
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack encoded string length: 851
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 malloc: 000000003DB55BC0:1362
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 add header to hpack table: "cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 hpack table account: 1117 free:2455
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 http request line: "GET <removed> HTTP/2.0"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 rewrite phase: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script value: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script set <removed>
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script value: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script set <removed>
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http map started
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 000000003D8FED10:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http map: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586" "0"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "0"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script if
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script if: false
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 test location: "/"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 test location: "robots.txt"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 test location: "error/"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 using configuration "/"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http cl:-1 max:10485760
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 rewrite phase: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script if
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script if: false
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script value: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script set <removed>
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 post rewrite phase: 3
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 generic phase: 4
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 generic phase: 5
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 access phase: 6
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 access phase: 7
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 post access phase: 8
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http body new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 000000002152A130:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http cache key: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 add cleanup: 000000003D8FFB60
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http file cache exists: -5 e:0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream cache: 8
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "Host: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Host: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-For: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "Accept-Encoding: gzip
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "Connection: close
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "Content-Length: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script var: "0"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: "
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: ""
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http script copy: ""
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "referer: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "accept-language: de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header:
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http cleanup add: 000000003D8FFCB8
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream resolve: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 name was resolved to <removed>
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 get rr peer, try: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 stream socket 306
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 epoll add connection: fd:306 ev:80002005
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 connect to <removed>:80, fd:306 #19097
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream connect: -2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 000000001D23A100:128 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer add: 306: 60000:1466358850013
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http finalize request: -4, "<removed>" a:1, c:2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http request count:2 blk:0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame complete pos:0000000003E19BAB end:0000000003E19BAB
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer del: 236: 1466358969975
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream request: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream send request handler
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream send request
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream send request body
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 chain writer buf fl:0 s:2734
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 chain writer buf fl:1 s:0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 chain writer in: 000000002152B0B0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 writev: 2734 of 2734
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer del: 306: 1466358850013
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer add: 306: 60000:1466358850118
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 read handler
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: 9
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_read: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 SSL_get_error: 2
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 process http2 frame type:4 f:1 l:0 sid:0
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 frame complete pos:0000000003E19419 end:0000000003E19419
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream request: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream process header
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 malloc: 0000000030EB0420:16384
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 posix_memalign: 0000000022657FD0:4096 @16
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 recv: fd:306 2811 of 15427
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45-1~dotdeb+7.1"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "P3P: CP="<removed>""
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Set-Cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Set-Cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Set-Cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Set-Cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Set-Cookie: <removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Cache-Control: no-cache"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Vary: Accept-Encoding"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Content-Encoding: gzip"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/html"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 3582"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Accept-Ranges: bytes"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 17:53:10 GMT"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "X-Varnish: 491225986"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Age: 0"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Via: 1.1 varnish"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header: "Connection: close"
2016/06/19 19:53:10 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy header done


2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http file cache free, fd: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http proxy filter init s:200 h:0 c:0 l:3582
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream process upstream
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe read upstream: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe preread: 572
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000355360C0, pos 00000000355367E4, size: 572 file: 0, size: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe length: 3582
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe write downstream: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe write busy: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe read upstream: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000355360C0, pos 00000000355367E4, size: 572 file: 0, size: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe length: 3582
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer: 63, old: 1466358851127, new: 1466358851267
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream request: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream dummy handler
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream request: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream process upstream
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe read upstream: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 readv: eof:1, avail:1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 readv: 1, last:13984
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe recv chain: 3010
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 readv: eof:1, avail:0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 readv: 1, last:10974
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe recv chain: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000355360C0, pos 00000000355367E4, size: 3582 file: 0, size: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe length: 3582
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 input buf #0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe write downstream: 1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 pipe write downstream flush in
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http output filter "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http copy filter: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http postpone filter "<removed>" 000000002027C008
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http copy filter: -1 "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer: 63, old: 1466358851127, new: 1466358851267
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 finalize http upstream request: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 finalize http proxy request
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free rr peer 1 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 close http upstream connection: 63
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 0000000031A9EE00, unused: 48
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 event timer del: 63: 1466358851127
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 reusable connection: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http upstream temp fd: -1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http finalize request: 0, "<removed>" a:1, c:1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http terminate request count:1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http terminate cleanup count:1 blk:0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http posted request: "<removed>"
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http terminate handler count:1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http request count:1 blk:0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 close stream 3, queued 0, processing 1
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http close request
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http log handler
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 run cleanup: 000000002DDEE350
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 00000000355360C0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 00000000202F2600, unused: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000001E88A800, unused: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000002DDED500, unused: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 00000000207AF4B0, unused: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000002027BE40, unused: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000002FCE5840, unused: 1348
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000003DABCC40
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000001D295C40
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 0000000024A93CD0, unused: 0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 free: 000000001D2E8D10, unused: 828
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 post event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 delete posted event 000000000582ABD0
2016/06/19 19:53:11 [debug] 8724#0: *19047 http2 handle connection handler
2016/06/19 19:54:12 [alert] 8724#0: *19047 open socket #236 left in connection 181
Subject Author Posted

nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 17, 2016 07:30AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Maxim Dounin June 20, 2016 02:26PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 21, 2016 02:08AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Maxim Dounin June 21, 2016 09:36AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 21, 2016 04:00PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Valentin V. Bartenev June 22, 2016 06:44AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 22, 2016 09:11AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Valentin V. Bartenev June 22, 2016 10:28AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 22, 2016 11:31AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 22, 2016 02:50PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Valentin V. Bartenev June 22, 2016 02:36PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Valentin V. Bartenev June 22, 2016 03:48PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 23, 2016 04:58AM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Valentin V. Bartenev June 23, 2016 01:42PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 23, 2016 01:58PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

Valentin V. Bartenev June 23, 2016 02:26PM

Re: nginx core dump explodes

martinproinity June 28, 2016 02:30AM

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