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Re: change client_body_buffer_size from 16K to 256K made the nginx logs size from 50M to 1G..

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May 11, 2016 07:26AM
Thanks for your quickly response.

One more question,

for client_body_buffer_size 16K, if the $request_body >16K, it seems nginx will put the request body into a temp file, and then no logs in log file, even though I enabled the request log. Does that mean the best way to keep the post log is to enable client_body_in_file_only? But the thing is enable client_body_in_file_only will slow down nginx.

So is there any better way to achieve that?
Subject Author Posted

change client_body_buffer_size from 16K to 256K made the nginx logs size from 50M to 1G..

meteor8488 May 11, 2016 01:39AM

Re: change client_body_buffer_size from 16K to 256K made the nginx logs size from 50M to 1G..

Francis Daly May 11, 2016 03:38AM

Re: change client_body_buffer_size from 16K to 256K made the nginx logs size from 50M to 1G..

meteor8488 May 11, 2016 07:26AM

Re: change client_body_buffer_size from 16K to 256K made the nginx logs size from 50M to 1G..

meteor8488 May 11, 2016 09:19AM

Re: change client_body_buffer_size from 16K to 256K made the nginx logs size from 50M to 1G..

Valentin V. Bartenev May 11, 2016 09:52AM

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