On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 09:30:49PM -0500, qbitx wrote:
> I'm having issues with 1.9.11. With the exact same build configuration as I
> used for 1.9.10, and the exact same config files for nginx - I am now
> getting this when I run nginx -t at the command-line:
> nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "charset" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:62
> nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
> When I comment out that particular line in the nginx.conf file, I am then
> presented with another error:
> nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "add_header" in /etc/nginx/ssl.conf:28
> nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
> Not sure why I'm observing this behavior, when the exact same build
> configuration for 1.9.10 worked just fine. It seems like some of the core
> modules (e.g.: ngx_http_charset_module, ngx_http_headers_module) are somehow
> missing from my build? Am I missing something? These are the
> module-related flags I provide to "./configure":
> --add-module=$HOME/naxsi-${NAXSI_VER}/naxsi_src \
> --add-module=$HOME/ngx_pagespeed-${PAGESPEED_VER}-beta
Most likely this is ngx_pagespeed 3rd party module which causes
the problem you are seeing. It tries to do unsupported
modifications of order of modules, and was beaten by internal
changes in configure scripts in 1.9.11. Quick look suggests the
problem is expected to be fixed by this changeset:
That is, either update ngx_pagespeed to the latest git checkout,
or compile nginx without it.
Maxim Dounin
nginx mailing list