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Problem Nginx with SSL Settings active in IIS 7.5

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July 14, 2015 11:21AM
I've got the following problem with nginx working with IIS, when enabled the client certificate in the SSL Settings solicitation IIS, it performs two SSL handshake, a first without requesting the certificate after this first handshake is done another handshake requesting the certificate. The operation is done as explained in this link: http://blogs.technet…ertificate-authentication.aspx
When access the application through the nginx reverse is done only one handshake already requesting the certificate, resulting in no operation of the application.
Subject Author Posted

Problem Nginx with SSL Settings active in IIS 7.5

elianmarks July 14, 2015 11:21AM

Re: Problem Nginx with SSL Settings active in IIS 7.5

elianmarks July 14, 2015 11:22AM

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