Will do...in case this helps...here's my config
server {
listen 80;
client_max_body_size 4G;
server_name example1.com;
passenger_enabled on;
root /home/<user>/current/public;
rails_env production;
keepalive_timeout 5;
location = / {
proxy_pass http://example1.com/<folder>; // This is to silently redirect the root of http://example1.com to http://example1.com/<folder>
location ~ ^/assets/ {
root /home/<user>/current/public;
expires max;
add_header Cache-Control public;
add_header ETag "";
location /system {
proxy_pass http://www.example.com; // This is to silently redirect http://example1.com/system to example.com/system, but to still show example1.com/system in the address bar
location ^~/wcmc {
proxy_pass http://example.com/<folder>; // This silently redirects example1.com/ to example.com/<folder>
This all works in that
going to example1.com gives me the page at example.com/<folder>
Clicking the links on the page take me to the correct page on example.com, but show example1.com in the addressbar.
I need to hide the <folder> part of it.