Ian Winter
November 28, 2014 09:02AM
I understand that part, what I mean is separating the entries like you’d have with flat files, so if you had;

domaina => log/domaina_access
domainb => log/domainb_access

That kind of setup, but, with syslog so it’s easier to identify where they’ve come from.

Right now we have one nginx.access.log on the filesystem and a single stream to syslog just tagged nginx. Can you add multiple tags, or, do we need unique tags?_______________________________________________
nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Re: syslog files per server entry (Francis Daly)

Ian Winter November 28, 2014 09:02AM

Re: syslog files per server entry (Francis Daly)

Francis Daly November 28, 2014 09:52AM

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