I am using http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpLuaModule#lua_shared_dict
I am storing a set of of ids.
local a_uuid = "...
a_dict.set(a_dict, a_uuid, a_uuid)
Ideally it would be more efficient for my use case to have lua_shared_set or lua_shared_bloom_filter
Has anyone encounter/ implement a shared bloom filter or shared set in nginx?
On a separate note, If I were to store 128 bits (16 bytes) for the key and 128 bits for the value, I would imagine that a record would take size(key)+ size(value) = 32 bytes of memory. If I want 100 million records I imagine I need 3.2GB of memory. Can i safely (provided the machine has enough memory) define lua_shared_dict a_dict 3200m?
Thank you for your help