On 21 January 2014 13:59, WheresWardy <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:
>> Your line
>> location \.(txt|css) {
>> looks like a regex, but you're not telling nginx it /is/ a regex. I
>> wouldn't expect anything to work until you fix that.
> Apologies, that was a typo during simplification of my config. I do indeed
> have a ~ in my nested location block, and it's definitely matching
> correctly.
> Everything else you've specified seems to fit my observed behaviour, so
> think it's just that my use case doesn't fit with the inheritance rules as
> they stand. Thanks for your help!
No problem. You could look at using a map to achieve the config
deduplication you're aiming for. Something like this (typed, but not
tested or syntax-checked!)
http {
map $uri $map_output {
default "";
~ \.txt "value2";
~ \.css "value2";
server {
location ~ /(dir1/)?dir2/ {
add_header X-My-Header value1;
add_header X-My-Static $map_output;
proxy_pass http://myproxy;
This will also have the effect of wiping out inbound X-My-Static
headers, which you could get round by referencing them in the default
map output if you really needed them to be passed through ...
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