On Aug 18, 2013, at 14:27 , howard chen wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the insight.
> Finally I solved by:
> if ($scheme = https) {
> gzip off;
> }
This does not work on server level. And on location level it may work in wrong way.
> Separating into two servers require to duplicate the rules like rewrite, which is cumbersome.
I believe that dual mode server block may be subject to vulnerabilities due to site map,
so BREACH is the least of them.
Igor Sysoev
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Igor Sysoev <igor@sysoev.ru> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 2013, at 8:59 , howard chen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As you know, due the breach attack (http://breachattack.com), HTTP compression is no longer safe (I assume nginx don't use SSL compression by default?), so we should disable it.
> Yes, modern nginx versions do not use SSL compression.
>> Now, We are using config like the following:
>> gzip on;
>> ..
>> server {
>> listen default_server;
>> listen default_server ssl;
>> With the need to split into two servers section, is it possible to turn off gzip when we are using SSL?
> You have to split the dual mode server section into two server server sections and set "gzip off"
> SSL-enabled on. There is no way to disable gzip in dual mode server section, but if you really
> worry about security in general the server sections should be different.
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