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How to convert Lighttpd rewrite to NGinx rewrite

May 28, 2013 04:16AM
Hi All,

I have a problem in convert Lighttpd rules to Nginx rewrite

This is my Lighttpd rules

"^/pthumb/([^\/]+)\/(.+)$" => "/pthumb/index.php?$1&f=$2"

And this is Nginx Rewrite converted from above Lighttpd rules

rewrite ^/pthumb/([^\/]+)\/(.+)$ /pthumb/index.php?$1&f=$2

But is not work.It very hard for me.

Please help me convert this rules.

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Subject Author Posted

How to convert Lighttpd rewrite to NGinx rewrite

kingcasino May 28, 2013 04:16AM

Re: How to convert Lighttpd rewrite to NGinx rewrite

Jonathan Matthews May 28, 2013 04:26AM

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