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Rewrite "break" directive - a strange behavior

April 05, 2013 05:38AM

I'd like to report a strange behaviour of REWRITE "break" directives inside a "location" block, when it is used a SET directive subsequently.

Now, i quote a little example, with a basic Nginx configuration that simulate the issue.

##### /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ##########
worker_processes auto;
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;

events {
worker_connections 2048;
http {
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
types_hash_max_size 2048;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

upstream media_server {
server; ### Our media server}

include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example.conf;
############## END ##########################

Example server block:
##### /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example.conf ##########

server {
server_name _;

set $cache_max_age "600";
set $cache_crossdomain "2";

location ~* "/crossdomain\.xml$" {
rewrite ^/pippo/(.*) /$1 break;
set $cache_max_age "$cache_crossdomain";
proxy_pass http://media_server;

add_header Test-Cache-Control "max-age=$cache_max_age";
############### END #########################

I expect the response to a request ( performed via WGET for example ) to "http://localhost/pippo/crossdomain.xml"
contains the HEADER "Test-Cache-Control: max-age=2"

Instead, i get a wrong answer with HEADER "Test-Cache-Control: max-age=600",
as if the variable "$cache_max_age" is not re-setted with the new value "2".

This is a WGET example.
######### START #############################
[root ~]# wget -S -O - http://localhost/pippo/crossdomain.xml
--2013-04-04 09:05:11-- http://localhost/pippo/crossdomain.xml
Resolving localhost (localhost)...
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.2.6
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 09:05:11 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 250
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: no-cache
Test-Cache-Control: max-age=600
Length: 250 [text/xml]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*" />
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
100%[=====================================================================================================================================================================>] 250 --.-K/s in 0s

2013-04-04 09:05:11 (21.1 MB/s) - written to stdout [250/250]
######### END ########################

I tried to move the SET directive before REWRITE "break" and everything works.
####### START ##########
location ~* "/crossdomain\.xml$" {
set $cache_max_age "$cache_crossdomain";
rewrite ^/pippo/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://media_server;
###### END ###########

Example request, after moving the SET directive ( "Test-Cache-Control: max-age=2" is NOW correct )
########## START #########################
[root ~]# wget -S -O - http://localhost/pippo/crossdomain.xml
--2013-04-04 09:12:37-- http://localhost/pippo/crossdomain.xml
Resolving localhost (localhost)...
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.2.6
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 09:12:37 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 250
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: no-cache
Test-Cache-Control: max-age=2
Length: 250 [text/xml]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*" />
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
100%[=====================================================================================================================================================================>] 250 --.-K/s in 0s

2013-04-04 09:12:37 (15.9 MB/s) - written to stdout [250/250]
############# END ######################

I searched inside the official documentation:
- REWRITE "break" descriptions say:
-- http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRewriteModule#rewrite
--- "completes processing of current rewrite directives and non-rewrite processing continues within the current location block only."
-- http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_rewrite_module.html#rewrite
--- "stops processing the current set of ngx_http_rewrite_module directives."

I haven't found anything that justifies this behaviour.

Maybe, the set directive is considerated an "ngx_http_rewrite_module directive" ?
or, is this a potential issue ?

Thanks in advance for your support !!
Subject Author Posted

Rewrite "break" directive - a strange behavior

andrea.mandolo April 05, 2013 05:38AM

Re: Rewrite "break" directive - a strange behavior

andrea.mandolo April 05, 2013 05:42AM

Re: Rewrite "break" directive - a strange behavior

Maxim Dounin April 05, 2013 06:00AM

Re: Rewrite "break" directive - a strange behavior

andrea.mandolo April 05, 2013 08:35AM

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