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Re: jpeg image quality is bad

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low_quality_image.jpg 25.7 KB open | download Praveen Yarlagadda 03/29/2013 Read message
smime.p7s 6 KB open | download GreenGecko 03/29/2013 Read message
March 29, 2013 12:58AM

On Thu, 2013-03-28 at 21:44 -0700, Praveen Yarlagadda wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm playing around with nginx and I'm running into a problem related
> to image uploading. I have nginx as a load balancer and java server
> (jetty, spring based) as the backend server. When I upload an image
> (JPEG) using POST method via nginx, the quality gets dropped a lot.
> Please take a look at the attached image. If I upload it directly to
> the backend server, it gets saved properly. Am I missing anything in
> the conf file? I really appreciate your help. Here is my nginx.conf.
> http {
> include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
> default_type application/octet-stream;
> #access_log /dev/null main;
> access_log /data/logs/nginx/access.log main;
> log_not_found off;
> sendfile on;
> #tcp_nopush on;
> keepalive_timeout 65;
> client_max_body_size 10M;
> #gzip on;
> include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
> upstream backend {
> ip_hash;
> server example.com:7070;
> }
> server {
> listen 80;
> server_name example.com;
> location / {
> proxy_pass http://backend;
> proxy_buffering on;
> }
> }
> server {
> listen 80;
> server_name ~.*;
> location / {
> access_log off;
> return 503;
> }
> }
> }
> Thanks a lot!
> -Praveen
> _______________________________________________

nginx does nothing whatsoever to images. They're just files as far as
it's concerned. It looks like your site must post-process them in some
way... resample, reduce quality, etc???



Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MIITP
Skype: sholdowa
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open | download - smime.p7s (6 KB)
Subject Author Posted

jpeg image quality is bad Attachments

Praveen Yarlagadda March 29, 2013 12:46AM

Re: jpeg image quality is bad Attachments

GreenGecko March 29, 2013 12:58AM

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