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Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

January 24, 2013 06:32AM
I have got an idea of preventing users to download videos from our site, so
they just can stream videos and that way will save our bandwidth. We have
used one of nginx module "limit_conn 1" so nobody will be able to download
stream. But this thing has a major drawback of stream i.e if four users are
streaming videos under a LAN network with same ip, other 3 won't be able to
stream videos due to 1st user, who's already streaming it and when he'll
finish streaming it'll resume for 2nd user and vice virsa.

Can someone guide me if we can just prevent downloading but stream remains
the same ?

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:57 AM, shahzaib shahzaib

> Thanks for helping me out guyz. I'll tune my content server according to
> that chinese guide. Please keep in mind i had only sent the output of one
> of Five content servers. Other servers load(nload) is not that high and
> they just hit 500Mbit/s on 2000 concurrent connections. However i'll
> monitor eth0 port more closely on peak time and will let you know the
> status. Thanks :)
nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 04:44AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

skechboy January 23, 2013 06:58AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 07:12AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 07:16AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

skechboy January 23, 2013 10:21AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 10:32AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 11:52AM

RE: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Lukas Tribus January 23, 2013 01:10PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 02:02PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 02:06PM

RE: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Lukas Tribus January 23, 2013 02:20PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Rainer Duffner January 23, 2013 02:30PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 03:22PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 03:28PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 03:40PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Geoffrey Hartz January 23, 2013 03:44PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Jonathan Matthews January 23, 2013 05:22PM

RE: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Lukas Tribus January 23, 2013 07:06PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Scott Ribe January 23, 2013 07:14PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Stefan Caunter January 23, 2013 10:52PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 24, 2013 01:58AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 24, 2013 06:32AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

姚伟斌 January 24, 2013 10:56PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

richardm January 23, 2013 04:50PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Rainer Duffner January 23, 2013 04:52PM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Dennis Jacobfeuerborn January 23, 2013 07:42AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 08:14AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Geoffrey Hartz January 23, 2013 08:36AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 09:16AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

Reinis Rozitis January 23, 2013 09:44AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 10:00AM

Re: Nginx flv stream gets too slow on 2000 concurrent connections

shahzaib1232 January 23, 2013 10:10AM

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