On 4 November 2012 13:57, Valentin V. Bartenev <ne@vbart.ru> wrote:
> On Saturday 03 November 2012 10:08:48 howard chen wrote:
>> Re: How to view Nginx wiki history?
> You should register an account to view the history:
> http://wiki.nginx.org/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin
That really sucks. Can it be configured differently to allow
non-authenticated users access to page histories?
As we're on the topic of historic documentation across a versioned
piece of software like nginx, I'd like to put in a plea here for
something to be worked out to expose the mapping of config directives
to the version in which they were introduced, or when their behaviours
changed - in a *structured* format.
IMHO that's a really major documentation flaw in both the wiki and the
official documentation, as the inline notes about version
applicability are both sparse and not formalised/structured at all
Jonathan Matthews // Oxford, London, UK
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