Hello Francis,
Francis Daly Wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 07:02:55AM -0400, gerard breiner wrote:
> Hi there,
> > curl -k -i as
> > curl -k -i https://sogo.mydomain.fr give:
> > ------------------------------
> > HTTP/1.1 302 Found
> > Server: nginx/0.7.67
> > Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:37:27 GMT
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> > Connection: keep-alive
> > content-length: 0
> > location: /SOGo/
> > --------------------------------
> So it redirects to /SOGo/. What happens when you do that manually?
> curl -k -i
curl -k -i give :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.2.4
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 21:09:16 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2613
Connection: keep-alive
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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> Probably it will redirect again, or else return some html. What you
> probably want to do is to manually step through the full login
> sequence
> until you see the specific problem. Then you can concentrate on that
> one request.
> (Also: that doesn't look like nginx 1.2.4. Are you sure that your test
> system is exactly what you expect it to be?)
I had downgrade nginx cause I wanted to see if I met the same issue with both versions. I've upgrade it to 1.2.4....
> > From sogo.log
> > Oct 31 11:44:05 sogod [29392]: SOGoRootPage successful login for
> user
> > 'gbreiner' - expire = -1 grace = -1
> This is from a later time. So some other requests were involved here.
> > [31/Oct/2012:11:44:05 GMT] "POST /SOGoSOGoSOGo/connect HTTP/1.0" 200
> 27/62
> > 0.016 - - 4K
> >
> > I think the "POST /SOGoSOGoSOGo/" is wrong ...
> Can you see where that request came from? Probably it was the "action"
> of a html form within the response of a previous request. Maybe that
> will help show why SOGo is repeated here.
Before login there is GET /SOGoSOGo
After login there is POST /SOGoSOGoSOGo/
> (That said, the HTTP 200 response suggests that the web server was
> happy
> with the request.)
> > (it is not the navigator because under apache2 it works very fine).
> Searching the web for "sogo and nginx" returns articles from people
> who
> claim to have it working.
> I suggest you step back and do exactly one thing at a time. With your
> original "location ^~ /SOGo" block, did it all work apart from the
> initial redirect? If not, fix that first.
> The SOGo installation guide mentions an apache config file, and says
> "The default configuration will use mod_proxy and mod_headers to relay
> requests to the sogod parent process. This is suitable for small to
> medium deployments.".
Make me puzzle ... For instance , templates will not be loaded without this :
location /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/ {
alias /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/;
> That suggests that your proxy_pass, proxy_redirect, and
> proxy_set_header
> directives may be enough.
> Good luck with it,
> f
> --
> Francis Daly francis@daoine.org
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I 'm going to get a look at internet for getting a sogo configuration file for nginx.
Yet my configuration come from internet and as it didn't work I tried this and that and this and passed too much time working on this issue. If I managed to get it work I'll come back here for sharing.
Thank you indeed Francis for your time and the quality of yours answers.
Best regards.