On Oct 12, 2012, at 18:37 , rahul286 wrote:
> Sorry for wrong question. I wanted to ask...
> map "~ ^/~([^/]*)/.*$)" $userhome{
> }
> style regex. Where map input string will be $1.
No. "map" is not "location".
> ===
> Apart from that, inside map:
> map $uri $blogname{
> ~^(?P<blogpath>/[^/]+/)files/(.*)$ $blogpath ;
> }
> I am not able to use $1. I always have to use a variable like $blogpath. Is
> it by design or a mistake on my end?
> I get error: "nginx: [emerg] unknown "1" variable" when I try:
> map $uri $blogname{
> ~^(/[^/]+/)files/(.*)$ $1 ;
> }
Digit captures are not supported in map. You have to use named capture.
Igor Sysoev
nginx mailing list