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Re: Deny ips, and pick ips from a file.

Anton Yuzhaninov
October 11, 2012 06:04AM
On 11.10.2012 09:50, Quintin Par wrote:
> I need to deny users by ip. I assume we need to do something like this
> location / {
> # block one workstation
> deny;
> # allow anyone in
> allow;
> # drop rest of the world
> deny all;
> }
> But how can I pass on the list of ips from a file? A file which will get udated
> from time to time.
> Can I pass the ips something like this
> deny /tmp/iplist.txt;

If list of IP to block is really big, then better to use geo module instead
allow/deny: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_geo_module.html

geo $denyed_host {
default 1;
include /tmp/iplist.txt;


if ($denyed_host) {
return 403;

iplist.txt should contain lines like: 0; 1;

After update of /tmp/iplist.txt you should reconfigure nginx (e. g. run nginx -s

Anton Yuzhaninov

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Deny ips, and pick ips from a file.

Quintin Par October 11, 2012 01:58AM

Re: Deny ips, and pick ips from a file.

Anton Yuzhaninov October 11, 2012 06:04AM

Re: Deny ips, and pick ips from a file.

Wolfsrudel October 11, 2012 06:55AM

Re: Deny ips, and pick ips from a file.

António P. P. Almeida October 11, 2012 07:04AM

Re: Deny ips, and pick ips from a file.

Quintin Par October 13, 2012 01:24AM

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