On 19 Set 2012 10h01 CEST, ianevans@digitalhit.com wrote:
On 19/09/2012 3:21 AM, Valentin V. Bartenev wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 September 2012 04:25:53 Ian M. Evans wrote:
> [...]
>> location ^~ /blogs {
>> try_files $uri /blogs/index.php?q=$uri;
>> location ~ \.php$ {
>> fastcgi_pass;
>> }
>> }
>> if ($uri ~ (/blogs/[^/]*)) {
>> set $blogname $1;
>> }
> location /blogs {
> ...
> location ~ ^/blogs/([^/]+) {
> ...
> }
> }
The suggested config of adding a variable is over complicated and very
little Nginxy. That's seems like a throwback to Apache's style IMO.
Valentin's suggestion with blogname being a capture in a regex based
(nested) location is a much cleaner way. It's also informative in the
way Nginx configuration language works. It's mostly declarative.
Try it out.
--- appa
> But your example config is completely broken. Probably you do not understand how
> "location" works. If so, you should read these articles:
> http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/request_processing.html
> http://nginx.org/r/location
>> location ^~ /blogs/$blogname {
> Variables are not allowed here.
As it turns out, the issue was a missing document root (since I
previously only used that server section to redirect to www) Added the
root and it worked fine.
As for the variable in the location, I did not write that. It was
suggested to me in the thread:
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