On Sun, Sep 09, 2012 at 01:34:13AM +0200, Larry P. wrote:
Hi there,
> I tried your suggestion but I get this error after restarting nginx:
> Restarting nginx: [emerg]: invalid number of arguments in "return"
> directive in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:22.
Ah, my mistake. The nginx version you use doesn't have the same "return"
directive syntax.
rewrite ^ http://mywebsite.com/drupal6/;
instead of the "return" line should probably work. (It still goes inside
the "location = /" block.)
> For clarification, the default behavior has been when a user goes to
> mywebsite.com, the address bar in the browser shows
> mywebsite.com:8080/drupal6/, the content shows but the game doesn't
> work. If a user goes to mywebsite.com/drupal6/, it Just Works.
The addition above should *only* affect a request for
http://mywebsite.com/, and should cause the browser to ask for the
working url.
Francis Daly francis@daoine.org
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