On 2012-08-02 12:42, Maxim Dounin wrote:
> And this is why it's not recommended to use enumerated captures
> except for very simple configurations (or "rewrite" directive,
> where use of enumerated captures immediatly follows regexp
> matching). Use named captures instead and you'll be fine.
Thanks Maxim,
using named captures it exactly what I did. The question to me was more
or less if the other configuration was intended to break. If that's the
case, that this is mainly a documentation issue which should be added to
either [1] or [2] (best with cross reference to each other).
[1] http://www.nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#alias
The topic "named captures" is as far as I can see is only mentioned in
[3]. It might be good to demonstrate its use in a wider context. While
doing so, also a comment on the syntax might be great, as PCRE not
always supported the Perl-style notation of "(?<name>)" [4].
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