Francis Daly
April 25, 2012 03:24PM
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 02:10:53PM +0530, Raviteja Dodda wrote:

Hi there,

> I have developed an ajax-based web application with hash bang urls.
> I am trying to redirect requests from search engines to another server
> which generates HTML snapshots and send the response.

I confess I'm not sure how to tie "requests from search engines" and
"hash bang urls" into the details of your question. But that probably
doesn't matter.

nginx doesn't care how or why the url arose; it just knows what request
was made to it, and it processes that request in the one location that
is configured for the request.

So I'll (try to) describe what nginx sees and what nginx does, and then
maybe it will be clear to you how that maps to your application and your

In general, the url is of the form


where some of the parts may be missing.

nginx uses the part before the first single / -- one:two -- to decide
which server{} to use. (That's not quite true, but it's close enough
for now.)

nginx then is only sent the part from the first single / to just before
the first # -- so all nginx can see is /three?four.

When it comes to matching against the location{}s that are defined,
nginx stops just before the first ? -- in this case, /three

So: can you identify the http requests that are made when someone uses
your web application? Or the http requests that come from search engines?

Then see what is the part that nginx will consider relevant for the
location matching -- from the first single / to just before the first #
or ? -- and then write a location directive to match those.

> I am trying to
> achieve this in nginx with the location directive as mentioned below:
> location ~ ^(/?_escaped_fragment_=).*$ {

There is one subtlety, in that it is possible for nginx to consider
? to be part of the url that can be matched in the location directive;
but only if it was properly url-encoded originally (which means that
the client did not ask for /?four, but for something like /%3ffour).

But that's not a common setup; so I'm going to guess that you are not
using that, in which case the request that it looks like you are trying
to match is exactly "/".

> But I am not able to get this working. Can someone correct the regex I am
> using (or) provide me an alternative solution to achieve this.

Hopefully the above gives you enough information to find the answer.

If not, if you can include one url that you are attempting to access
(ideally using something like curl, so that it is easily repeatable
without being concerned with browser caching), and the response you expect
and the response you get, then someone may be able to provide more help.

Francis Daly

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

How do I redirect/handle requests from search engines via nginx using location regex

Raviteja Dodda April 25, 2012 04:42AM

Re: How do I redirect/handle requests from search engines via nginx using location regex

Francis Daly April 25, 2012 03:24PM

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