Do you know a tool for doing this? Something that will work on a unix system. Also, what if the user wants to jump to the end of the movie? I suppose that won't be possible as the user must click to the end of each segment until reaching the last segment.
191919 Wrote:
> You can split the big movie file into small
> pieces, thus you have smaller index for each small
> movie file.
> In the player, when current part is about to end,
> load next part, when current part is over, play
> the next part. So the movie is played seamlessly,
> you save network traffics, and your users feel
> better. You need to modify your movie player, but
> it is not a very hard work.
> Be caution: you must split your movie file at
> offsets of key-frame.
> --
> 191919
> Le mercredi, avril 18, 2012 à 9:23 AM, ragivan a
> écrit :
> > That was back in 2008, they didn't have 2 hour
> long videos. But what I
> > was talking about what regarding the technology,
> lighttpd and nginx both
> > do pseudo streaming. The moov atom is about 5 MB
> so it takes about 10
> > seconds to download that before playing the
> video. Is there some
> > technique to start playing the video after
> partial download of the moov
> > atom? Or is it possible to cache the moov atom
> into memory for faster
> > retrieval?
> >
> > Posted at Nginx Forum:
> g-225453
> >
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