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vhost error_log ignored with passenger

March 02, 2012 03:17PM
I'm using passenger and seeing that stdout & stderr are going to nginx's default error log, rather than what's specified in the server { error_log ... } directive. Is this a known bug in nginx or passenger?

server {
listen 8082;
access_log logs/ruby-access.log main;
error_log logs/ruby-error.log; ## nothing in here from ruby's $std{out,err}!
root /Users/paulm/Code/nginx/public;
location / {
passenger_enabled on;

Here's all the code & config; it's a trivial Sinatra server: https://gist.github.com/1960979

Phusion Passenger from here: http://www.modrails.com/install.html (seems to install nginx 1.0.10)

(The workaround is to File#reopen in config.ru but I'd like to avoid this, if possible.)

Many thanks!

Subject Author Posted

vhost error_log ignored with passenger

tantrix March 02, 2012 03:17PM

Re: vhost error_log ignored with passenger

auxbuss March 11, 2012 11:20AM

Re: vhost error_log ignored with passenger

auxbuss March 11, 2012 12:33PM

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