March 01, 2012 08:54PM
Apologies, mangles my posts sometimes, unfortunately
there is no option to turn HTML off.

01 марта 2012, 02:39 от Ruslan Dautkhanov <>:
> What is the right way to setup a true load balancing of a few Tomcat
> servers?
> By word "true" I understand taking into account at least CPU load of those
> nodes, not just round robining.
> I've looked at 3rd party modules, but doesn't look there is the one.


You may want to try my Lua based load balancer, it picks the least loaded
backend server based on the latest load averages that it collects by
polling backend servers using parallel subrequests. It's not optimized
because I use it mainly for benchmarking, but if you spend some time
tuning the parameters, you should be able to achieve better than
standard load balancing performance.

The following frontend server load balancer requires Agentzh's Lua module:

# NGiNXYZ Load Balancer - Frontend Server
# Copyright (C) Max <nginxyz (at) users dot berlios dot de>

http {

# Set up a cache zone for storing backend server load averages.
proxy_cache_path /var/tmp/nginx/load_average_cache
keys_zone=load_average_cache:64k inactive=5s;

server {

location / {

set $backend_server "";

rewrite_by_lua '

--[[ Only for debugging.
local start_time =

--[[ Replace these entries with your backend servers. ]]
local backend_servers = { "",
"" }

local fallback_backend_server = ""

local subrequests = {}

for i, server in ipairs(backend_servers) do
{ "/poll_load_average/"..server,
{ method = ngx.HTTP_GET } })

local responses = { ngx.location.capture_multi(subrequests) }

local min_load_average = 1024
local min_index = 0
for i, response in ipairs(responses) do

local body_length = #response.body
if (body_length > 0 and body_length < 8) then
local load_average = tonumber(response.body)

--[[ Only for debugging.
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "backend server ",
" load average: ", load_average)

if (load_average
and load_average < min_load_average) then

min_load_average = load_average
min_index = i

if (min_index > 0) then
ngx.var.backend_server = backend_servers[min_index]
ngx.var.backend_server = fallback_backend_server;

--[[ Only for debugging.
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "least loaded backend server ",

local total_time = - start_time

"poll_load_average subrequest completion time: ",

# The least loaded backend server has been determined and
# assigned to the $backend_server variable inside the
# rewrite_by_lua block.

proxy_pass http://$backend_server;

location ~ ^/poll_load_average/(.+)$ {

# This is the subrequest location block used by the
# rewrite_by_lua block to poll backend servers for
# the load average.


proxy_pass_request_headers off;
proxy_pass_request_body off;

# Prevent subrequests from taking more time than we allow
# them to. If a backend server is too slow to respond, it
# will be skipped automatically.
proxy_connect_timeout 30ms;
proxy_send_timeout 20ms;
proxy_read_timeout 60ms;

# Do not cache load averages and do not read them from cache
#proxy_no_cache 1;
#proxy_cache_bypass 1;

# Cache load averages and read them from cache
proxy_cache load_average_cache;
# $1 = backend_server:port
proxy_cache_key $1;

# Poll the backend server for its latest load average.
proxy_pass http://$1/load_average/;

You should first replace the entries in the backend_servers array
and the fallback_backend_server string with your backend server
address:port values.

Then you may want to turn debugging on by adding "]]" at the end of
every "--[[ Only for debugging. " line in order to see what the
Lua code does:

1) A subrequest for the /poll_average_load/ location is
created for each of the backend servers.

2) All subrequests are initiated and executed simultaneously in
parallel, so the total time / latency equals the completion
time of the slowest request. ngx.location.capture_multi()
waits for all the subrequests to complete and captures
their responses (status, header and body). In order to
prevent a slow subrequest / backend server from delaying
the execution of the original request, proxy_*_timeout
directives are used in the /poll_load_average/ location to
skip any backend servers that are too slow to respond in time.

3) Subrequest response bodies are validated (they may contain
only the load average and must be shorter than 8 characters),
and the backend server with the lowest load average is then
assigned to the $backend_server nginx variable that had been
created before the rewrite_by_lua block. If none of the backend
servers return a valid load average, the backend you assigned to
fallback_backend_server is used.

4) The original request is passed on to the least loaded backend
server by using the proxy_pass directive.

Note that caching can be used inside the /poll_load_average/
subrequest location block to reduce the overhead of constantly
polling all of the backend servers, but load averages should
typically not be cached for more than a few seconds. Cache
expiration time for load averages should be set individually
on each of the backend servers in order to optimize performance.

You should also experiment with the proxy_*_timeout values to
find optimal values for your setup.

The matching backend server load balancer configuration for this
setup should be configured like this:

# NGiNXYZ Load Balancer - Backend Server
# Copyright (C) Max <nginxyz (at) users dot berlios dot de>

http {

# Set up a limit request zone to prevent too frequent
# load average requests.
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr
zone=load_average_limit_request_zone:256k rate=10r/s;

# Extract the last minute load average from the /usr/bin/uptime
# output and assign it to $load_average.
# The first alarm call sets up a 2 second timer and the 2nd call
# cancels it. If the Perl subroutine is not completed within
# 2 seconds, a return is forced to prevent Perl from holding up
# further processing.
perl_set $load_average '
sub {
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { return ""; };
alarm 2;
`/usr/bin/uptime` =~ /averages: (\d+\.\d+)/;
alarm 0;
return $1;

server {

location /load_average/ {

# Prevent this load average from being cached for more
# than 2 seconds by the frontend server.
expires 2s;

# Prevent too frequent load average requests.
limit_req_log_level error;
limit_req zone=load_average_limit_request_zone nodelay;

# Return $load_average using Agentzh's Echo module
echo $load_average;

# Note that using "return 200 $load_average;" instead of
# "echo $load_average;" to return $load_average makes
# any limit_request directive useless inside this
# location block because it prevents the limit_request
# triggered error code 503 from being returned.
#return 200 $load_average;

The backend servers would require the following additional modules
for this configuration to work:

Embedded Perl module

Agentzh's Echo module (optional - see the "return 200" comment above)

My comments are extensive, so there's nothing to add, except that
this could be done using Apache and a CGI script that does something
like this to extract the load average from the uptime output:

uptime | awk -F': |,' '{print $5}'

You could also set up a shell script based netcat server to answer
load average requests, but you'd have to set up additional firewall
rules to prevent too frequent requests from degrading performance.

You could also extend the load balancer to include other performance
criteria, such as iostat, netstat values etc.

The Stub Status module statistics could also be included:

Note that if you decide to cache load averages on the frontend
server, you should always make sure that your backend
servers always set an appropriate expiration time (by using
the "Cache-Control: max-age=$x" header, for example) in the
response (typically, it should be no longer than a few
seconds, but that really depends on your setup).

I hope that helps, any benchmarks and comments will be appreciated.

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

nginx load balancing Tomcat servers

Ruslan Dautkhanov February 29, 2012 05:40PM

Re: nginx load balancing Tomcat servers

Max March 01, 2012 08:48PM

Re[2]: nginx load balancing Tomcat servers

Max March 01, 2012 08:54PM

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