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Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

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January 30, 2012 03:02AM
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 08:08:13AM +0100, Ondrej Jombik wrote:
> Thanks B.R., you are exactly right, after appending "?start=0" video
> starts to play immediatelly.
> I also discovered that our MP4 files are encoded with index at the end
> of file. lighttpd was silently moving this index (moov) to the
> beginning.
> That raises question for some nginx performance guru:
> What is better: recode all the MP4 files (thousands of thousands) and
> move index to the beginning or simply use "?start=0" parameter?
> I feel that recoding may save us some memory during future request
> processing, because with "?start=0" nginx must at least see the end of
> file and fetch the index.
> Any opinion would be welcome. I have no problem to recode/reindex milion
> files, but it has to have some meaning first ;-)

From perfomance point of view it's better to move the index to the beginning.
However, you do not need to recode the files, but just to move the index.

Igor Sysoev

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

Ondrej Jombik January 29, 2012 10:10PM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

B.R. January 30, 2012 01:36AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

Ondrej Jombik January 30, 2012 02:10AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

Igor Sysoev January 30, 2012 03:02AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

Maxim Dounin January 30, 2012 02:32AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

mike January 30, 2012 02:52AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

Mark Alan January 30, 2012 04:24AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

B.R. January 30, 2012 06:44AM

Re: MP4 (H264) migrating from lighttpd to nginx

Ondrej Jombik January 30, 2012 11:10AM

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