On 28 Dez 2011 13h55 WET, nginx-forum@nginx.us wrote:
> António P. P. Almeida Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
>> On 28 Dez 2011 04h15 WET, nginx-forum@nginx.us
>> wrote:
>>>> map $http_cookie $session_id {
>>>> default '';
>>>> ~SESS(?<session_guid>[[:alnum:]]+)
>>>> $session_guid;
>>>> }
>>>> --- appa
>>> That regex will only get you the cookie name
>> (md5 of domain) without
>>> the cookie value. You will want the equal sign
>> in there so you get
>>> both name and value:
>>> ~^.*SESS(?<key>[\w\=]+).*$ $key;
>>> or just the value:
>>> ~^.*SESS.+\=(?<key>[\w]+).*$ $key;
>> MD5 of the domain? How? AFAIK it's much more
>> elaborate than that.
>> See:
>> http://svn.php.net/viewvc/php/php-src/branches/PHP
>> _5_3_8/ext/session/session.c?revision=315335&view=
>> markup
>> --- appa
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> Drupal session cookie is in the form: session_name = session_id e.g.
> SESSc4f381f0375dba8f9670647c311307a9=b051bb99415e65d3d921f7891f3ca91f
> The session_name is either session_name('SESS'
> . md5($cookie_domain)) from your settings file or
> session_name('SESS' . md5(explode('://', $base_url, 2))) see
> http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes--bootstrap.inc/function/conf_init/6
> Your regex was only getting the session_name and not the session_id
If that's the case then why get the cookie name? Just get the value
which is the session ID.
map $http_cookie $session_id {
default '';
~SESS[[:alnum:]]+=(?<session_guid>[[:alnum:]]+) $session_guid;
--- appa
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