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Perl - awstats.pl config

November 27, 2011 01:59PM

i try to implement a awstats.pl for every vhost on my nginx installation.

I tried it the following:

location ~ ^/awstats/ {
gzip off;
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl;

I think i'm to stupid for the location part, it works fine with \.pl$ but not with a path, it would be nice to could configure a "directoy" like /awstats/ in every vhost and then runs the awstats.pl through the socket (socket is working), but not the SCRIPT_FILENAME-part.

I only found documentions with a php-application who runs the perl-file.

Thanks :/
Subject Author Posted

Perl - awstats.pl config

Veerle November 27, 2011 01:59PM

Re: Perl - awstats.pl config

António P. P. Almeida November 27, 2011 02:08PM

Re: Perl - awstats.pl config

Veerle November 27, 2011 05:25PM

Re: Perl - awstats.pl config

Veerle November 27, 2011 05:37PM

Re: Perl - awstats.pl config

Cyril Lavier November 27, 2011 05:50PM

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