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Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

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António P. P. Almeida
October 23, 2011 04:08PM
On 23 Out 2011 20h47 WEST, ilan@time4learning.com wrote:

> I ran them in 2 separate shells concurrently (as best I could) and
> got about the same result, i.e. 10K req. / sec. per each "ab" test,
> so it does look as if the bottleneck is the testing tool.
> I would like to see > 50,000 req. / sec. ultimately in a controlled
> testing environment, what is the best way to try and achieve that?
> Running "ab" in "n" different shells at the same time is an option,
> but difficult.

Forget ab. Use httpload/http_load. It uses a single process, hence it
mimics to a certain extent the way Nginx works. It uses select()
though instead of epoll() or kqueue().

Requesting the empty_gif you should get always something north of 20k
req/s on a semi-decent machine.

--- appa

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Subject Author Posted

Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

iberkner October 22, 2011 10:40PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

Maxim Dounin October 23, 2011 12:26PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

Ilan Berkner October 23, 2011 02:40PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

stefancaunter October 23, 2011 03:02PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

Ilan Berkner October 23, 2011 03:50PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

stefancaunter October 23, 2011 04:04PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

Ilan Berkner October 23, 2011 04:08PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

António P. P. Almeida October 23, 2011 04:08PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

Brian Akins October 23, 2011 01:16PM

Re: Highest requests per second - what is considered top performance?

Nginx User October 23, 2011 02:08PM

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