I have Nginx up and running but I think that the conf file could be improved upon.
I have a single server hosting 2 domains (doma and domb).
doma is the default virtual host and supports a number of applications all of which use Perl scripts.
domb has a separate domain name (obviously!) and supports one application that has a Wordpress/PHP frontend plus a secure Perl application
All doma static web pages are held in sub-directories under a root of .../htdocs
The domb 'static' Wordpress pages (including all PHP pages) are in .../htdocs/domb & sub-directories
All Perl scripts for both doma and domb are in .../cgi-bin sub-directories including .../cgi-bin/domb for the secure domb apps.
As I understand it I have to have 3 server blocks:-
Block 1 - default port 80
Block 2 - domb port 80
Block 3 - domb port 443
Unfortunately it seems that I have to replicate the location ...htdocs and cgi-bin*.pl$ blocks3 times (once for each server block) and the /*.php$ block twice (for domb 80 and domb 443). This, I think, is because location blocks can only exist within server blocks.
Is it possible for location blocks to exist within the main http block at a higher level than the server block (I've tried it and it didn't work for me but that might have been because I had got some other configuration statements wrong)?