2011/7/21 Hrishikesh Barua <talonx@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm using nginx solely as a load balancer, with nginx-sticky
> (https://code.google.com/p/nginx-sticky-module/) as a way to maintain sticky
> sessions.
> There are 2 upstream servers configured - and I have to occasionally mark
> one of them as down. When I do this, failover from clients that have a
> sticky session cookie does not seem to happen to the other upstream server
> (which is up).
> Here are the steps in detail -
> 1. nginx with 2 upstream servers in the backend s1, s2
> 2. Client connects, nginx routes to s1
> 3. s1 marked as down in config, nginx config is reloaded
> 4. Requests from the same client continue going to s1, instead of s2
> My understanding is that nginx should automatically route traffic to the
> second server. Anything I am missing here?
it's a bug on the sticky module. Can you open a bug report there
(https://code.google.com/p/nginx-sticky-module/issues/list) please ?
I'll look at it.
++ jerome
> - Hrish
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