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July 02, 2011 02:12PM
I'm using proxy_store for dynamic upload of file from the backend to a
proxy server. For differents reasons some files are not uploaded with
this method, and I want to run a process in the backend to syncronize
the files between the servers.

Problem is that nginx doesn't recognize the files uploaded throught
this process. It says the file doesn't exist and I need to restart
nginx and then it works.

I understand nginx is looking at some kind of internal table to check
if the file has been stored and not looking directly at the location
of the file. Is there a way to avoid the restart? Did I get something

I'm using nginx 0.8.54


Héctor Paz

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted


hdanniel July 02, 2011 02:12PM

Re: proxy_store

Maxim Dounin July 02, 2011 02:24PM

Re: proxy_store

hdanniel July 04, 2011 11:58AM

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