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Randomly stopping large file downloads?

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login.png 3.6 KB open | download Jim Ohlstein 05/19/2011 Read message
May 19, 2011 04:34PM
1.) What would cause nginx to randomly stop serving large file downloads? When I try to download a 800MB file it stops serving the file after between 10 and 30 MB. I've had to revert to lighttpd because of this.

I checked the usual things: There wasn't anything in the error log, the system had plenty of memory (several hundred MB free) and the worker processes were all still there after the download dies. It doesn't matter what browser I use.

Any idea what would cause this?

2.) BTW there's a bug in the forum.nginx.org forum where when you first get an account it prepopulates the login form with your email address rather than your user name. If you try to log in like that it won't let you in. You have to clear out what it prepopulated and enter your username. This is confusing.
Subject Author Posted

Randomly stopping large file downloads?

nickn May 19, 2011 04:34PM

Re: Randomly stopping large file downloads? Attachments

Jim Ohlstein May 19, 2011 05:02PM

Re: Randomly stopping large file downloads?

nickn May 19, 2011 05:29PM

Re: Randomly stopping large file downloads?

Maxim Dounin May 20, 2011 06:22AM

Re: Randomly stopping large file downloads?

nickn May 20, 2011 03:43PM

Re: Randomly stopping large file downloads?

Maxim Dounin May 21, 2011 04:52AM

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