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98: Address already in use

April 14, 2011 08:04AM
Hi all,

Nginx has been working fine for months on my server. Recently, however, I see that "service nginx configtest" reports the following:

the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
[emerg]: listen() to, backlog 511 failed (98: Address already in use)
configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

I believe nginx has been updated recently, but I'm not sure. It's currently at version 0.8.53. I've ran configtest before and have never seen this error. I need to add a new site in conf.d, but I fear that reloading or restarting afterwards will fail and my live sites will be down.

netstat -tlnp lists as in use by Program name "nginx.conf" (which seems weird, shouldn't this just say "nginx"). Also, if I rename the conf.d/site.conf file that includes the 17942 port entry, it just fails on the next conf down the line on the following ip/port.

Now that I've typed out the entire problem, it occurs to me that the problem could be the misnamed Program name. Maybe nginx thinks that a different program is occupying those ports because the name is not "nginx". Does that seem likely? Also, was there a bug fixed somewhere that resolved/caused the name change? I have a hunch that restarting nginx will solve the problem, but I don't want to risk it since it's a live server.

Any ideas? Thank you for reading.
Subject Author Posted

98: Address already in use

slowgary April 14, 2011 08:04AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

Maxim Dounin April 14, 2011 10:00AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 14, 2011 10:20AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 14, 2011 11:14AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

Hüseyin Mert April 14, 2011 01:48PM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 14, 2011 02:19PM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 14, 2011 02:21PM

Re: 98: Address already in use

António P. P. Almeida April 14, 2011 02:42PM

Re: 98: Address already in use

Igor Sysoev April 15, 2011 02:32AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 15, 2011 05:18AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

Maxim Dounin April 15, 2011 12:18PM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 18, 2011 01:22PM

Re: 98: Address already in use

slowgary April 19, 2011 09:14AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

Maxim Dounin April 19, 2011 11:22AM

Re: 98: Address already in use

Peleke October 11, 2013 02:28PM

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