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Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

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April 11, 2011 06:10PM
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 17:59:01 -0400
> Von: "Adrian Janeczek" <nginx-forum@nginx.us>
> An: nginx@nginx.org
> Betreff: Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

> dosen't work
> http://s1.rapidox.pl/QJNqq0821sxz7200DAp0/Si.s_sred.iowi.cze.part5.rar
> http://s1.rapidox.pl/files/Si.s_sred.iowi.cze.part5.rar
> rewrite >
> rewrite "^[A-Z]{3}[a-z]{2}\d{4}[a-z]{3}\d{4}[A-Z]{2}[a-z]\d/(.+)$"
> files/$1;
> i trying this but not work...
> rewrite "([A-Z] {3})([a-z] {2})([0-9] {4})([a-z] {3})([0-9] {4})([A-Z]
> {2})([a-z] {1})([0-9] {1})/(.+)$" /files/$1 last;
What is that space before the curly brackets? Remove them!
rewrite "^/(?:[A-Z]{3})(?:[a-z]{2})(?:[0-9]{4})(?:[a-z]{3})(?:[0-9]{4})(?:[A-Z]{2})(?:[a-z]{1})(?:[0-9]{1})/(.+)$" /files/$9 last;

> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=HZZBStcd
Ohhh boy. Location block inside another location block?

> Posted at Nginx Forum:
> http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,190307,190326#msg-190326
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> nginx@nginx.org
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Subject Author Posted

Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 11, 2011 05:19PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

António P. P. Almeida April 11, 2011 05:34PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Steve April 11, 2011 05:38PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 11, 2011 05:48PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 11, 2011 05:50PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 11, 2011 05:59PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Steve April 11, 2011 06:10PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 11, 2011 06:15PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 11, 2011 06:47PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

António P. P. Almeida April 11, 2011 06:14PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Francis Daly April 11, 2011 06:16PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

António P. P. Almeida April 11, 2011 06:24PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

António P. P. Almeida April 11, 2011 05:52PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Adrian Janeczek April 15, 2011 05:36PM

Re: Nginx Rewrite Apache?

Francis Daly April 18, 2011 08:00AM

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