> 呵呵,谢谢你的提醒
> 不过我的英语很差,说出来完全不是原意。为了大家更准确的理解,我还是用中文吧
> 像english only这种心态就不对,我去学习时并不是只学中文的。只要我用得上的资料,哪怕俄语、日语、泰语我都会去钻研
> 这里是技术论坛,所以知识无国界
This is more than a forum, all of your posts will be sent to the whole
mailing list. Most of the subscribers don't understand Chinese and
Google Translate does not help due to the poor translation quality. If
you really want to help people with problems about nginx, maybe you
should find someplace like nginx-cn mailing list. If there is no
Chinese mailing list for nginx by now, well, try to create one on
Google Group.