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Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

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Resi Cow
May 06, 2009 06:20PM
Yeah it is his call, but now all you have are people complaining and whining
that their windows build doesn't work.

You want to keep it simple? Keep the windows people away.

Unless you are planning on building a full GUI for nginx. Without a GUI,
windows people start to cry.

2009/5/6 Nuno Magalhães

> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 22:54, Resicow wrote:
> > Igor,
> >
> > Don't waste your time on the Windows build. Concentrate on making nginx
> > better and better on Linux.
> If he makes it ISO/ANSI, all it takes is a volunteer to compile. I'd
> say *nix, not Linux. Also... better, bigger more feature-filled...
> then what? A new apache? A KISS approach is always welcomed.
> > nginx is by far the best, and keeps getting better and better. Making
> > everything work on windows will just slow you down.
> That's his call. See above.
> > If you are using nginx on Windows, then you are an idiot. Go away and use
> > apache or IIS.
> Grow up.
> --
> () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\ ascii-rubanda kampajno - kontraŭ html-a retpoŝto
Subject Author Posted

Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

mike May 06, 2009 05:37PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Nuno Magalhães May 06, 2009 05:55PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Resicow May 06, 2009 05:54PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Cliff Wells May 06, 2009 06:00PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

mike May 06, 2009 06:35PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Kevin Worthington May 06, 2009 07:10PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Kevin Worthington May 06, 2009 07:17PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Nuno Magalhães May 06, 2009 06:09PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Resi Cow May 06, 2009 06:20PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Nuno Magalhães May 06, 2009 06:26PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Resi Cow May 06, 2009 06:31PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Jim Ohlstein May 06, 2009 07:32PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Cliff Wells May 06, 2009 07:45PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Resi Cow May 06, 2009 08:04PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Cliff Wells May 06, 2009 08:15PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Resi Cow May 06, 2009 08:20PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Jim Ohlstein May 06, 2009 08:14PM

RE: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

AMP Admin May 06, 2009 06:17PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Darrin Chandler May 06, 2009 07:24PM

RE: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

郭振立 May 06, 2009 11:08PM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Anonymous User May 07, 2009 12:41AM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

deltay May 07, 2009 01:29AM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Matt Lewandowsky May 07, 2009 05:07AM

Re: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Trigun May 07, 2009 11:15PM

RE: Is anyone else amazed at how many people use nginx on Windows?

Hendry Lee May 12, 2009 11:18AM

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