On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:29 PM, Alexander Kunz <akunz@ntmedia.de> wrote:
> Time to think a bit different :) The "old" way still stuck in my head. I see
> there is a function access_by_lua but i still like session. Could this the
> way to handle access to all files in app?
Sure :)
> Decrypt session and encrypt
> session for refreshing the session livetime?
Yeah :)
> Or shoud i use access_by_lua in
> each location?
Well, this is a valid option too: you can combine
ngx_encrypted_session and access_by_lua by calling
ngx_ecrypted_session's config directives directly from within Lua,
like this:
access_by_lua '
local encrypted_text = ndk.set_var.set_decode_base32(ngx.var.arg_session)
if not encrypted_text or encypted_text == "" then
return ngx.redirect("/relogin.htm?url=" ..
local raw_text = ndk.set_var.set_decrypt_session(encrypted_text)
if not raw_text or raw_text == "" then
return ngx.redirect("/relogin.htm?url=" ..
-- validate raw_text is indeed valid...
-- then refresh the sessions:
local encrypted_text = ndk.set_var.set_encrypt_session(raw_text)
local value = ndk.set_var.set_encode_base32(encrypted_text)
ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = { "SID=" .. value .. "; path=/" }
A very useful feature in ngx_lua is the "ndk.set_var.xxx" magic that
allows you to call some other nginx C modules' config directives
on-the-fly! There's a restriction though: the 3rd-party directives
must be implemented using NDK (Nginx Devel Kit)'s set_var submodule's
ndk_set_var_value mechanism ;)
> Have a nice day, agentzh.
You too! ;)
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