2011/2/9 Reinis Rozitis <r@roze.lv>:
>>> for instance in apache .htaccess if i add php_flag display_errors "0" it
>>> doesnt show me error message anymore
> While nginx doesnt provide such option you can accomplish it with PHP which
> has exactly such feature for Fastcgi sapi -
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php
> In short starting with 5.3.0 php you can put a '.user.ini' file in directory
> containing 'display_errors=0' and it should work.
it means for each requests, every directory from / to the full path of
the script file, a check is done on the presence of .user.ini. This
kills performances and should be avoid in high loaded sites.
> rr
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