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Re: https on a specific directory only?

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François Battail
December 06, 2010 03:08AM
Le lundi 06 décembre 2010 à 02:48 -0500, TECK a écrit :

> Right now, the rewrite creates a redirect loop. How can I fix that?

Use two server locations, one for http and the other one for https, like

listen 80;
location /dir
rewrite ^/(.*) https://example.com/$1 permanent;

listen 443;
ssl on;
location /dir
auth_basic "Restricted Access";
auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;

Best regards

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Subject Author Posted

https on a specific directory only?

TECK December 06, 2010 02:48AM

Re: https on a specific directory only?

Mikhail Mazursky December 06, 2010 03:06AM

Re: https on a specific directory only?

François Battail December 06, 2010 03:08AM

Re: https on a specific directory only?

TECK December 06, 2010 03:13AM

Re: https on a specific directory only?

Igor Sysoev December 06, 2010 07:08AM

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