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Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

September 08, 2010 07:16AM

Backlog is explained in man listen(2):

The backlog argument defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending connections for sockfd
may grow. If a connection request arrives when the queue is full, the client may receive an error
with an indication of ECONNREFUSED or, if the underlying protocol supports retransmission, the
request may be ignored so that a later reattempt at connection succeeds.
If the backlog argument is greater than the value in /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn, then it is
silently truncated to that value; the default value in this file is 128. In kernels before 2.4.25,
this limit was a hard coded value, SOMAXCONN, with the value 128.
Subject Author Posted

Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

rahul286 September 07, 2010 01:39AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

rahul286 September 07, 2010 02:34AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

Igor Sysoev September 07, 2010 02:36AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

Rahul Bansal September 07, 2010 02:44AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

Igor Sysoev September 07, 2010 02:50AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

Rahul Bansal September 07, 2010 02:34AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

minaev September 08, 2010 05:48AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

rahul286 September 08, 2010 05:59AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

Jérôme Loyet September 08, 2010 05:58AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

minaev September 08, 2010 06:30AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

rahul286 September 08, 2010 06:33AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

minaev September 08, 2010 07:16AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

Jérôme Loyet September 08, 2010 08:22AM

Re: Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

eessaouira December 21, 2016 06:21AM

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