Unable to connect to the internal k8s pods svc using the nginx controller
February 29, 2024 11:20PM
Hi Team,
I have deployed nginx controller in the k8 cluster in a nginx namespace. I am trying to use nginx service name in one of the k8s svc as we want to route to some of the kubernetes services using the nginx controller where I have specified the upstreams in the nginx configuration. These kubernetes services are in different namespace. The service names I have used in the upstreams are like this synapse.demo.svc.cluster.local in the nginx config. Also, these k8s service pods are available in istio service mesh. Currently, nginx controller is unable to give the response when we use the nginx svc in the k8s pod. I would like to understand that do we need to deploy the nginx controller inside the service mesh. If yes, please help me with relevant document which would be helpful for me.
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