Are large number of ports an issue (100 or more)
March 15, 2022 10:34AM
We have Nginx setup in QA and working fine, but in production with 130+ ports, we are not able to get all inbound traffic to flow.

It seems the problem is sporadic. A facility sending us data will work for a while, then they start getting connection time outs. We ended up having to roll back on the load balancer and push the data to the app server directly.

Each facility must send data over a different port as part of keeping data separate.

Are there any known issues where a large number of ports can cause a performance issue?

Also, is there any way to monitor the health or queues of data coming in to Nginx?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2022 10:35AM by BrianHms.

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