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Reverse proxy

Posted by protoss666 
Reverse proxy
November 08, 2020 02:14PM
I am setting up a reverse proxy in freebsd with nginx.
How can I deny access to a specific IP on my internal network?
In my case I have defined the following within the location / parameter:

location / {
include snippets/proxy-params.conf;
include snippets/internal-access-rules.conf;
proxy_pass http://107.XXX.XXX.XXX/;

Where in "internal-access-rules.conf" I have placed:

deny all;

Then I restart the nginx.
When trying to access the domain from the blocked network or from any other network I can access without problems when I should be blocked. What could be happening?


Re: Reverse proxy
October 20, 2021 03:38AM
Try this at the very top without adding it to a location directive:

server {
deny all;

This "Should" block all external (non-local) traffic to your webserver, and only allow traffic on your lan to see you webpage.

If you are trying to block something on your LAN, then you need to specify the specific IP in the allow and deny directives. You currently are allowing all of your lan traffic to your webserver with, because that is indicating that your entire subnet should be allowed. If you want to allow only one computer on your lan access, then you need to specify that computers address in the allow part, and the rest should be blocked.

server {
deny all

This will allow only the computer on your LAN with the ip address to access your web server. All others on your lan SHOULD be blocked, and all external IP's (from the internet) should also be blocked.

Dan Ran
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