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Need to pay someone to help me tune up nginx configuration

Posted by gonguinguen 
Need to pay someone to help me tune up nginx configuration
December 14, 2015 01:23PM
I have a server running nginx + uwsgi.
It serves several websites (implemented with web2py).

I need someone to help me with this points:

* Review general nginx configuration, and apply corresponding changes, accordingly to VPS resources.
* Apply connection limits: limit_conn (per server and per client ip)
* Apply requests limits per ip

Also, I need some clarification about some 502 errors that I don't get to fully understand.
Re: Need to pay someone to help me tune up nginx configuration
December 15, 2015 07:53PM
Nevermind, already got support.
Re: Need to pay someone to help me tune up nginx configuration
April 28, 2017 03:13PM
Where did you find help? Me too?
Re: Need to pay someone to help me tune up nginx configuration
April 28, 2017 05:40PM
As far as I remember, I didn't hire anyone, I just kept reading and testing for some time and I got it working. But in my experience, you never stop tunning, there is always something that you can tune up and improve.

These are some documentation links that helped me:


If you are looking for someone to hire, you can check upwork.com, there are plenty of experts there.

Re: Need to pay someone to help me tune up nginx configuration
January 24, 2018 12:26AM

My Nginx - Ubuntu is limiting to 500 hits per second.
I tried many settings. But i am not able to increase visitors count more than 500 per second.

Can you help me with this?
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