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nginx 0.7.62 / Joomla 1.5

Posted by carstenk 
nginx 0.7.62 / Joomla 1.5
April 17, 2010 10:01PM
I've just started using nginx in the last week, so far I really like what I see, anyhow I have noticed some funny quirks..
I have Joomla 1.5 setup, also with phpbb3.. Now I know Joomla performance at the best of time sucks, but I'm stuck with it, anyhow I'm using a fairly generic mysql config, with a few things changed, to allow more connections to the database, disabled innodb.
With Cherokee, the more requests it got the better it scaled, but I have noticed nginx gives pretty constant performance right the way through with fcgi, nginx is giving lower latency at low load, but as soon as its increased that changes, despite the number of fcgi child process there are.
I'm also interested to know if anyone has anyway of increasing latency performance I understand this mainly has to do with mysql, but I am out of ideas on this, also on ways to increase the number of hits the server can handle without resorting to cache, right now it averages 23 hits per second. Im on a c2q/9400, with 4gb, Using ubuntu 9.10 amd64 server.

I would be very interested in hearing what anyone has to say about it in any capacity.
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