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I need help to make on AIX 5.3 ...

Posted by bdfci 
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I need help to make on AIX 5.3 ...
March 02, 2010 03:37AM

excuse for my englis, i'm french, and so i hope you'll understand me.

At first, i install nginx for my website on debian lenny, and i'm very happy to use it. It was hard for url-rewritting, but i could do it. Now, it is 100% pleasure.

So i thought it was a good idea to take nginx for my real work, and i tried to compile on IBM AIX 5.3.

I configure like that :
./configure --prefix=/appli/nginx --sbin-path=/appli/nginx/sbin --conf-path=/appli/nginx/conf \
--pid-path=/appli/nginx/pid --lock-path=/appli/nginx/lock --error-log-path=/log/nginx \
--http-log-path=/log/nginx --user=www-data --group=www-data --with-http_realip_module \
--with-http_stub_status_module --without-http_charset_module --without-http_rewrite_module --without-http-cache \
--http-client-body-temp-path=/appli/nginx/client_body_temp \
--http-proxy-temp-path=/appli/nginx/proxy_temp --http-fastcgi-temp-path=/appli/nginx/fastcgi_temp \
--with-cc-opt="-I/opt/local/include -O2" --with-ld-opt="-L/opt/local/lib"

It 's all right for configure.

But the "make" is down :
ules -I src/os/unix -I objs -o objs/src/os/unix/ngx_time.o src/os/unix/ngx_time.c
gcc -c -pipe -O -W -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused-parameter -Wunused-function -Wunused-variable -Wunused-value -Werror -g -I/opt/local/include -O2 -I src/core -I src/event -I src/event/modules -I src/os/unix -I objs -o objs/src/os/unix/ngx_errno.o src/os/unix/ngx_errno.c
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
src/os/unix/ngx_errno.c: In function 'ngx_strerror_r':
src/os/unix/ngx_errno.c:22: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strerror_r'
make : 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande : 1.

make : 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande : 2.


and i should say, that at the configure, i had this line for the strerror_r :
checking for strerror_r() ... found
checking for gnu style strerror_r() ... found but is not working

And to finish, my gcc is 4.2.4.

Any idea to resolve it ?

Many thinks in advance !

Re: I need help to make on AIX 5.3 ...
March 03, 2010 04:12AM
OK, my "./configure" is OK.

Now, my objs/makefile had :
CFLAGS = -O -pipe -O -W -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused-parameter -Wunused-function -Wunused-variable -Wunused-value -Werror -g -I/opt/local/include -O2

And i replace it by :
CFLAGS = -O -pipe -O -W -Wall -O2 -mcpu=powerpc

And now, i have, at the last :
make -f objs/Makefile install
gcc -o objs/nginx objs/src/core/nginx.o
objs/src/http/modules/ngx_http_upstream_ip_hash_module.o objs/src/http/modules/ngx_http_stub_status_module.o objs/ngx_modules.o -lz
ld : 0711-317 ERREUR : Symbole non défini : .CMSG_SPACE
ld : 0711-317 ERREUR : Symbole non défini : .CMSG_LEN
ld : 0711-345 Pour plus de détails, utilisez
l'option -bloadmap ou -bnoquiet.
collect2: ld returned 8 exit status
make : 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande : 1.

make : 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande : 2.



Yes it's french, but to translate : CMSG_SPACE ans CMSG_LEN are not defined...
Or, how to use the options "-bloadmap" and "-bnoquiet" ...????

Many thanks in advance !

Re: I need help to make on AIX 5.3 ...
March 03, 2010 09:48AM
It's OK !
Re: I need help to make on AIX 5.3 ...
April 06, 2010 05:45AM

Could you tell me if your compilation nginx on AIX 5.3 finished as a success?
Thanks for info

Re: I need help to make on AIX 5.3 ...
May 10, 2010 09:59AM
Hello slawomir.ksiazek,

Yes I did with success, hardly, but i did !

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