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Conditional reverse proxy + cache

Posted by Kura 
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Conditional reverse proxy + cache
February 05, 2010 06:14PM
Is it possible to have a conditional reverse proxy and cache using nginx?

I basically want to conditionally use nginx's cache if a user doesn't have a login cookie set but always serve static files like images and css files from nginx's cache no matter whether they're logged in or not...

I've managed to get reverse proxy and caching working without a problem, but it's the conditional stuff I'm not so sure of.
Re: Conditional reverse proxy + cache
February 06, 2010 01:01AM
Yes. See http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,47303,49324#msg-49324.

Jim Ohlstein
Re: Conditional reverse proxy + cache
February 06, 2010 04:55AM
Jim, you're a legend. Thank you.
Re: Conditional reverse proxy + cache
February 07, 2010 12:13PM
You're welcome.

Jim Ohlstein

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